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kids ministry

Our kids ministry is designed to help children from infancy to elementary school have their own unique encounters with God.

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."

Matthew 19:14

God wants a deep connection with each of His children, whether they're 1-month or 100-years old. At Encounter Church, we're here to support the Holy Spirit's work in parents and their kids.

Although children of all ages are always welcome in Saturday services, we recognize that kids have different spiritual needs and attention spans than adults. Our kids ministry meets children where they're at, with age-appropriate activities and lessons that allow them to ask questions, explore their beliefs, and discover God's character as they grow.

encounter Kids

we meet on saturday evenings at 4:30 during our church gathering

Are you interested in being a part of what Jesus is doing in our kid’s lives?
Please fill out the form below, we'd love to meet you!